Wednesday, March 13


Have been very lazy these days. And I promised to keep my blog constantly updated. :( I really have very bad discipline.

So, I will start off with my edexcel results I got last Thursday. Being very confident with my business studies, I was so surprised to see a C for both my Unit 1 and Unit 2 paper. Which gives me a C for my AS level result. I was very disappointed with my business studies and I've finally decided to drop this subject just like what most of my other friends did. For accounting, I expected a rather lousy result but it turned out to be a B, which cheered me up a lil. Did badly for mathematics C3 and C4. I'm planning to retake three papers this semester, which includes my accounting unit 1(still am not satisfied with a B, I want an A for all subjects) and both my mathematics paper. If I only wanted an A for mathematics, I didn't have to retake my maths paper cause my average turned out to be 82. But I figured out this only after I had paid for retaking that three subjects. Why doesn't MCKL give us more time to consider??

After dropping business studies, I'll have more long breaks throughout the week. I suppose this is the time I'm suppose to spend catching up on those subjects which I did not do well. I'm starting to pick up the momentum to study these days. I put notices around myself to remind myself to have more self-control and be discipline. I kinda managed to force myself to spend more time on my studies. I guess I'll have to remind myself to continue blogging too. 

I think I kinda irritate people around me these days. D; I have keep my mouth shut more often I guess. Really afraid of how people look at me and how they treat me. Don't like being treated as an irritating, noisy, rude, boring, lame friend. I just have to accept the fact that not everyone likes me being me. I'll have to pray more maybe. Ask God to give me the strength and the courage to love myself more to even care about these. I can't help but feel depressed every time I face problems like this. Got ignored today. Felt like shit inside of me. D: For a second, I hated myself so badly. Ahhhh. This is getting depressing.

I guess I have to learn to live simple. To not over complicate my life, enjoying every moments in my life and stay out of trouble. I miss my best friends. I hope they don't feel that I'm abandoning them. I still love them a lot. <3 It cheers me up by thinking there is always a group of friends that will never judge me for who I am and will always accept as I am. Feel so comfortable whenever I'm with them. 

Simplicity is something I should really learn how to appreciate. Being simple is really beautiful at times. :)

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