Thursday, September 20


Can't believe I'm back to blogging. Its not really common nowadays to blog because there are so many more other so called cool stuffs such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I came across this very interesting blog that actually inspired me to have a blog of my own. It might also help cause I'm currently struggling in A level's law and business. It would be good if I could practice writing more to learn how to construct my sentences better. I thank God for putting me in an English speaking Christian family. However, after being given ten years of Chinese education, my English seems to have deproved a lot. Now that I have to start using the language more frequently, I find it hard sometimes for me to construct proper sentences. I have to think twice before I speak. But the matter of speaking was not a big issue for me because I have been speaking English at home all these years. Hopefully I'm able to get used to this soon.

Back to my life, I have been very busy these days with my own studies and also the student council retreat project. The project was not easy to handle but I believe God will bring me through. After attending the Awaken last Saturday, I have turned back to the Lord once again. God was so real to me that day, I could feel His presence with us during worship. I am very grateful that God did not give up on me but brought me back to Him that night. I have also decided to fast and pray for ten days till next Friday for a few important prayer items. Mainly for my sister who is now in need of help. I love my sister and I really do not want her to marry a non-Christian. My brother and I have advised her not to get married so soon. This is not about prejudice but this is the word of God clearly given in the bible. My parents knew that she was falling away from God ever since she went into a relationship with Gong Lei(a non-Christian from china who stayed in Singapore for a long time). My parents were not very happy and were very disappointed. But thank God that my sister shared her feelings with all of us. I can tell that she is very stress now. So I hope that my prayers will help and God will show her His plans for her.

Today is my fourth day fasting! Its a miracle how I can not feel hungry in college when I was fasting. Haha. Normally when I try to control my diet in college, it turns out to be a failure because I can't control myself when I see good food! I believe I am highly influenced by Michelle. I saw the canteen aunty selling yam cakes yesterday morning, but I was fasting. O.O Life without good food seems miserable. Once again, I thank God for giving us these good food!

I have been quite stress about the student council retreat next Friday. Hopefully everything can be settled today. My dad thinks that planning this trip is a great opportunity for me to learn more about organizing events. I should be grateful to have this chance to plan this trip. :) As a committee member, I'm not usually given big tasks like this. So having this chance to plan this trip is a great experience. I also do hope that everyone enjoys this trip! Mr.JP has suggested Ananda to put me as a project coordinator which sounds so much better than committee member or commissioner! If they put me as a project coordinator, I will be super busy but I believe that I will enjoy the job a lot. :) I just love organizing events and making people happy. We have heard lots of rumors that many do not have high expectations on our new council. I really do hope that we can prove to the students that we can do better. I just love our council members & our undercover member!

I am very blessed to be in the student council and I believe that God put me there for a reason. It took a miracle for me to get into the council and God did it! Thank you lord! It might affect my studies if I get too involve in the student council. I took on a small position as a committee member to avoid taking up heavy responsibility but still I was put in charge of one of the major events. So no matter what role I take in the council, God will still use me.

'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.' - Matthew 7:7

I would like to urge you all to always pray and ask God to give you directions. God hears all our prayers and He works! Just keep an open heart for Him to take charge of your life and you will find peace in Him. :)

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