Sunday, September 30


Finally, our student council retreat is over! It was awesome! I was so worried that things might not go on that well but everything went perfectly fine during the retreat. And I thank God for that. My fast & pray did help me to grow spiritually and I believe God heard all my prayers. The hotel that we stayed was very comfortable. It was Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort, next to Flamingo hotel. The price was reasonably good and the service was also very good. I'm happy that everyone liked it. I love the hotel beds! It was super comfortable and cozy. Now I miss the bed. :(

We also had sessions in the meeting room for three days. The sessions was very good. We managed to get a lot of things done. And we realised that things weren't as simple as we thought. Especially the Standard Operating Procedures(SOP). We did the timeline for 3 events and thought that we were so productive because Mr.JP's had only expected us to complete one SOP during this retreat. But finally we found out that there were soooooo much more things that have got to be done in the SOP. We had to make it so much more detailed. And we thought we were heroes. Haha. We finally managed to get one SOP done and presented on Sunday. Proud of ourselves! The old council helped us a lot. I'm really thankful to them because they shared a lot of their personal experience with us. Especially Yen Ping, I was in the same room as Yen Ping and Rocyie. We talked a lot about the problems in the council and Yen Ping had shared with us so many experience of hers in the council which i find it very helpful.

Other thing we managed to do is our job description. Now committee member no longer exists in the council. We have events coordinator which is me, and publicity coordinator which is Bryan. Events coordinator is a very heavy position. Yen Ping also also told me that I would have a lot more responsibilities. I like the new position because it really suits what I like to do but at the same time, I'm actually very worried that i might not be able to take up such heavy responsibilities. My studies will most probably be affected. But I will still continue to pray about this and I believe if God put me into this, he will bring me through this too.

Life as a student council isn't that easy as I thought It would be. We really have to help each other out. I love our council and I would really hope that we can do a good job. This retreat have helped us to get closer to each other and helped us to understand each others' flaws and strengths. I believe that we will do much better after this!

And I bought two pairs of earrings, a bracelet, four key chains and tau sa pia from Penang! I have not been there for a very long time and I don't remember anything about Penang except the necklace I bought with a glowing rice that has my name on it! We went to Batu Ferringhi the first night and Gurney drive on the second night. The food in Gurney drive was awe---some! Somehow I managed to eat a lot of food without feeling very full! The others were surprised that I actually ate so much. The amount of food I had was actually comparable to how much Jon Gui ate. Haha. The food was cheap but the portion was also not that big. In the end, I managed to try different types of food!

Now we are all back to our lives, where we have so much more to do and to go through. But this trip is definitely memorable to all of us. We did not even need ice breakers to break the ice, we have already bonded with each other. And I got to know the old councils better and they are awesome people! They have made the trip very interesting. I really enjoyed myself during this retreat.:)

Once again, thank you Lord for helping me so much and listening to my prayers! And also my mum that have gave me a lot of advices on planning this trip.

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